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Free, Fun & Eco-Friendly Winter Activities for Your Family

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Free, Fun & Eco-Friendly Winter Activities for Your Family

Winter time comes with a higher carbon footprint mainly due to the cold weather. You end up using lots of energy to keep your household warm and to get from place-to-place. If you are an eco-conscious person, you definitely want to know about some eco-friendly winter activities that you can do with your family. Whether you want to do outdoor activities, or indoor activities, we have the perfect selection of fun activities you can do as a family while being eco-friendly. Check out our list of fun, free and eco-friendly winter activities that you can do with your family this coming winter!

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Low Waste Meal Plan | One Week of Low Waste Meals

homemade low waste recipes vegan recipes

Low Waste Meal Plan | One Week of Low Waste Meals

Cooking low waste meals is a great way to start the transition to a sustainable lifestyle. The kitchen is the place in our house that produces the most waste, so it's important to focus our attention thereCheck out our meal plan that you can use for a week to reduce waste and help the planet!

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Tips on How to Celebrate an Eco-Friendly Holiday Season

eco-friendly low waste holidays sustainable zero waste

Tips on How to Celebrate an Eco-Friendly Holiday Season

The holiday season can be very wasteful if you are not being conscious about the environment. Millions of extra tons of trash are thrown out, including wrapping paper and packaging plus we tend to use much more electricity on holiday lights than some countries use in an entire year!

That being said, all this waste can be incredibly unnecessary and easy to avoid which is why we have come up with a list of tips on how to celebrate an eco-friendly holiday season!

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Eco Essentials: Bamboo Cutlery Set

eco travel eco-friendly plastic-free sustainable zero waste

Eco Essentials: Bamboo Cutlery Set

Single-use plastic cutlery has been an ongoing issue for quite some time and its time to make a change. Millions of single-use plastics are thrown out every single day, damaging the place we call home.

Our Bamboo Starter Set is the perfect alternative for those who are always on the go or travel often. It has all the eco-friendly essentials you need to live a sustainable and plastic-free life! Keep this set handy in your purse, backpack, car or lunch bag.

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Zero Waste Back-to-School Snacks & Lunches

eco-friendly homemade plastic-free recipes zero waste

Zero Waste Back-to-School Snacks & Lunches

When it comes to making school lunches, a parent's main concern is that their kids have something they enjoy eating and enough of it. As a result, school lunches usually involves a ton of plastic packaging and unhealthy foods that are not ideal for the environment and most importantly, their kids.

Zero-waste school lunches are much better for the environment and are a great way to get your children to be mindful about the planet! That is why we have created a list of back-to-school lunches and snacks that you can make for your kids.

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