10 EASY Ways to Live More Sustainably in the Kitchen- Part One

Green City Living Co. eco home eco-friendly low waste

The kitchen is a great place to start when making the switch to living a more sustainable lifestyle. You won't need to worry about embarking on major changes as you will find that small, day-to-day, thoughtful changes can add up to make a big difference! We have made a list of easy tips that anyone can use to be more sustainable in the kitchen.



Here are 10 EASY Ways to Live More Sustainably in the Kitchen:


1. Carry reusable cloth bags when grocery shopping



2. Use a reusable water bottle and/or coffee cup



3. Grow your own herbs and vegetables from your food scraps


4. Store your grocery and pantry items properly



5. Buy food items in bulk


6. Take lunch to work in a reusable container instead of buying lunch in single-use plastic


7. Compost perishable food scraps


8. Make your own fresh coffee instead of buying takeaway


9. Replace paper towels with paperless towels


10. Eliminate products containing toxic chemicals


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